Year 6 Show - Macbeth

Red Kite Class have been busy rehearsing their end of school show and are excited to invite family and friends to an evening of mystery, murder, and betrayal: The Y6 performance of Macbeth! 


We will be holding two evening performances, the first on Monday 15th and the second on Tuesday 16th of July.  Doors open at 5:45pm with the show starting at 6:00pm.  There will be an interval with refreshments available.


Red Kite children will be required to attend both evenings.  Could we please ask you to complete a form, which will be sent to you shortly, confirming that you give permission for your child to perform in the school on both the evenings.


We have a maximum audience capacity of 72 people per evening and our wonderful Year 6s would love to perform to sell-out crowds. Tickets are priced at £3 for a seat.  Young children can sit free on an adult’s lap. 


Tickets can be purchased using the Iris ParentMail app.  To purchase a ticket/s please select payments, then shop. 


If you have any questions about the evenings, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Smith via the school office.


We look forward to seeing you all in the audience!


Thank you,

Mr Smith & The Red Kites