This term our Year 3 children have been researching ‘How has art represented aspects of our lives?'
The children started their project by learning about how light is used as a way for Tudors to communicate. The children explored how shadows were created in the absence of light. The children worked in groups to investigate how light travels through different materials such as foil, cardboard, clear plastic and used key vocabulary such as translucent, transparent and opaque to describe the materials.
The children watched a Tudor puppet show and explored how the shadows changed in size depending on how far or near the light source was to the puppet. The children created their own reflections based on the puppet show and recorded their findings in their books.
The children were fascinated with learning about the history of the Bosworth War and learnt that Henry VII was the first Tudor Monarch of England. The children explored the family tree of the Tudors and explored the life of Henry VIII by learning key facts about all six of Henry's wives. The children enjoyed singing the song, ‘Divorced, Beheaded and Survived.’